SISSA – Trieste, September 20-24, 2021

The focus of the workshop is on recent developments in correspondences among supersymmetric gauge theories in various dimensions, topological field theories, 2D conformal field theories, integrable systems and the corresponding moduli spaces.

To register to the workshop, just send an email to the organizers.

Preliminary list of speakers

M. Bershtein (Skoltech), D. Cassani (Padova Univ.), P. Gavrylenko (Skoltech), A. Grassi (Univ. of Geneva/CERN), L. Griguolo (Univ. Parma), Y. Hatsuda (RIKKYO), J. Kruthoff (Stanford Univ.), P. Longhi (Utrecht Univ), J. Manschot (Dublin Univ.), A. Marshakov (CAS, Skoltech), A. Mironov (ITEP – Moscow), A. Morozov* (ITEP – Moscow), H. Nagoya (Univ. Kanazawa), F. Novaes (CECS- Valdivia), S. Pasquetti (Univ. Milano Bicocca), E. Pomoni (DESY), S. Razamat (Technion), D. Seminara (INFN Firenze), G. Turiaci (U.C. Santa Barbara), B. Vicedo (Cambridge U., DAMTP), J. Yagi (Tsinghua U., Beijing), M. Zabzine (Uppsala)

*to be confirmed


G. Bonelli, A.Tanzini

  • Workshop in hybrid live/zoom form. Links and details later.
Categories: Workshops