From the view point of teaching, the Center of Geometry and Physics encourages interested students to undertake a mixed curriculum by adding courses from the Theoretical Particles Physics Ph.D. course and the Geometry and Mathematical Physics Ph.D. course.
These can be chosen from the TPP curriculum within:
- Quantum Field Theory
- Group Theory
- Electroweak and Strong Interactions
- Advanced topics in Quantum Field Theory
- Supersymmetry
- Beyond the Standard Model
- Conformal Field Theories
- String Theory 1
- String Theory 2
and from the Geo-MP curriculum within:
- Algebraic Geometry
- Differential Geometry
- Topological Quantum Field Theory
- Riemann Surfaces and Integrable Systems
- From 3-Manifold Invariants to Number Theory
and others appearing in the Geo-MP webpage.
Students of each curriculum are allowed to take exams from the other upon approval of the corresponding PhD professor’s Council