Generalized Cohomology and Physics

ICTP – Trieste, November 2 – November 4, 2021 The event will bring together physicists working on various topics in physics that utilize generalized cohomology theories, as well as mathematicians working on functorial quantum field theories and their classification, topological modular forms, cobordisms, and other cohomology theories that appear in physics problems. Topics: Classification Read more…

New Pathways in Explorations of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity Beyond Supersymmetry

ICTP – Giambiagi Lecture Hall (AGH), 24 Jun 2019 – 5 Jul 2019 The workshop will cover novel methods developed to understand non-perturbative phenomena in quantum field theory and quantum gravity, in the non-supersymmetric realm. This includes the formulation of non-perturbative dualities in QFT and their application in condensed matter Read more…