Meeting PRIN “String Theory as a bridge between Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity”
Information about the event on the main web page
Information about the event on the main web page
Information about the event on the main web page–sissa/home
iGAP – Trieste, June 26-30, 2023 The focus of the workshop is on recent developments in correspondences among supersymmetric gauge theories in various dimensions, topological field theories, 2D conformal field theories, integrable systems and the corresponding moduli spaces. The Workshop is organized in the context of the Institute for Geometry and Read more…
SISSA – Trieste, July 4-7, 2022 The focus of the workshop is on recent developments in correspondences among supersymmetric gauge theories in various dimensions, topological field theories, 2D conformal field theories, integrable systems and the corresponding moduli spaces. The Workshop is organized in the context of the Institute for Geometry and Read more…
ICTP – Trieste, November 2 – November 4, 2021 The event will bring together physicists working on various topics in physics that utilize generalized cohomology theories, as well as mathematicians working on functorial quantum field theories and their classification, topological modular forms, cobordisms, and other cohomology theories that appear in physics problems. Topics: Classification Read more…
SISSA – Trieste, September 27 – October 1, 2021 The workshop will focus on mathematical aspects of quantum field theory, condensed matter physics and statistical mechanics. It will take place in a hybrid in-presence/online format. Venue: Aula D, SISSA Old Building, Via Beirut 2-4, Trieste (Italy) List of Speakers Roland Read more…
SISSA – Trieste, September 20-24, 2021 The focus of the workshop is on recent developments in correspondences among supersymmetric gauge theories in various dimensions, topological field theories, 2D conformal field theories, integrable systems and the corresponding moduli spaces. To register to the workshop, just send an email to the organizers. Read more…
SISSA, Via Bonomea 265, 34136 Trieste Italy13 Jul 2020 – 17 Jul 2020 The notion of integrable system in classical mechanics dates back to Joseph Liouville and has an illustrious and long history; it has since expanded considerably and received input from distant areas of mathematics and physics like algebraic Read more…
ICTP – Kastler Lecture Hall (AGH), Via Grignano, 9 I – 34151 Trieste (Italy) 30/09 – 11/10, 2019 The main focus is on recent developments in gauge theories, both in theoretical physics and in mathematics. This area is very fruitful for active interplays between Mathematics and Physics. In theoretical physics Read more…
Trieste, September 23-26, 2019 The ICTP/SISSA Institute for Geometry and Physics will host the Workshop on Supermoduli. Lectures will take place in Room D of the old SISSA building, Via Beirut 2-4, Miramare, Trieste, starting at 9:30 am on September 23. The programme will feature two minicourses: Pietro Fré (U. Read more…